A little Grr-spective

Its a miracle he survived, but hes never stopped working.

It's a miracle he survived, but he's never stopped working.

Being unemployed during a recession, you can’t help but think. Every once in a while, thoughts like “this sucks”, “what a bummer” creep in. Here’s how I push them back and keep the positive thoughts rolling in.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was on a business trip one day while working for Mitsubishi. On August 6, 1945, as he walked to the shipyards in Hiroshima, the atomic bomb known as Little Boy exploded just two miles away. Temporarily blinded, eardrums burst, and badly burned over 1/4 of his body, he spent the night in an air raid shelter. The next day he went home, to Nagasaki.

On August 9th, 1945, the atomic bomb known as Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki, Yamaguchi was once again two miles away from the explosion, telling his supervisor the story of how he had almost died. He survived that, too. Spending the next week in and out of consciousness with a fever, he heard Emperor Hirohito’s surrender announcement, and went back to work.

He’s 93 years old right now. The last survivor of the Nijuuhibaku, or “twice bombed”. He speaks against nuclear proliferation. He writes poetry and shares his stories with people to help educate them on the horrors of the atomic bomb. He views his survival as a miracle that comes with responsibility.

Any complaints I may have are suddenly put into perspective when I think about this.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi.


Here are some links to stories about Yamaguchi

The Times

ABC Australia (audio interview)


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4 responses to “A little Grr-spective

  1. I remember reading, probably ten or more years ago, about a woman who worked as a maid for an aristocratic family, and narrowly escaped not one but TWO very famous shipwrecks: the Titanic and the Lusitania. I wish I could remember her name… and I’ll try and figure it out. Anyway another remarkable tale of being on the job when catastrophe strikes, and amazingly surviving. Awesome post!

  2. Juli B

    So, just thinking, but maybe Matt shouldn’t think of Tsutomu Yamaguchi too much, as it may make it difficult to Grrrr


  3. Juli B! Call into the show sometime and i’ll send you a free gift: probably one of my unmatched socks! Times are tough. Thanks for your grr-eat comments! Keep ’em comin!

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